Safe Houses
The Open Door has 2 Shelters both registered with the Department of Social Services and accredited to take in victims of Human Trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Ikhaya Le Themba for abused women, vulnerable children and Men for Change for men and boys who have been victims of gender-based violence and labour trafficking
IKHAYA LE THEMBA: For abused women, vulnerable children and victims of human trafficking
Ikhaya Le Themba was established in 1998 having identified the need to accommodate women and their children who were victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and crime-related incidents.
In 2008 the Provincial Task Team for Victims of Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Pornography, and Brothels was formed under the direction of the National Prosecuting Authority. The Open Door was the first shelter in Kwa Zulu Natal to gain accreditation to accommodate victims of human trafficking.
The vision of Ikhaya Le Themba – our shelter for abused women and their children at risk is to offer multifaceted services to victims of abuse and human trafficking ensuring they are able to find refuge in their time of crisis and need. Ikhaya Le Themba is situated in a quiet residential area and is registered with the Department of Social Development to accommodate 14 women and their children.
Admission to the shelter is through an intake process and assessment by our social worker using guidelines provided by the Department of Social Development.
Ikhaya Le Themba operates on three levels of intake, emergency as in a case of rape, two weeks when clients work with the shelter social worker to develop an individual development plan.
In rare cases, clients are permitted to stay up to six months to enable them to find employment and have made sufficient progress to be able to stand on their own and become financially independent.
Every client coming into the shelter is treated as a unique individual and their personal issues or challenges are treated holistically with an aim to empower and uplift them socially, economically, financially and psychologically.
Weekly counselling sessions are provided by the shelter Social Worker to ensure that clients are supported in their choices and encouraged to take back control of their lives as many feel they have become powerless due to the abuse.
Group work is conducted weekly with the purpose of helping clients learn to trust each other as well as give each other support.
The ladies in the shelter are encouraged to attend to the vegetable garden and they successfully grow cabbages, tomatoes, green peppers, beetroot and spinach that are used in the shelter. Any excess is given to clients in need coming for care and support through The Open Door.
Skills Development Programmes focuses on giving clients the necessary skills that they can turn into a self-sustainable source of income when they leave the shelter. These skills include learning to sew on a sewing machine, beadwork, crocheting and turning second-hand saris into scarves and kaftans. These items are on sale at our premises 7 Windsor Road Pinetown.
For abused men and boys and victims of human trafficking
The Open Door is proud to be one of the first registered shelters to be opened in Kwa Zulu Natal to take in victims of Trafficking for Labour and Gender-based Violence, opening its door in October 2018 in a quiet residential area.
The Government, recognising the need for the placement of men in a safe environment due to the high incidence of cases of men coming into South Africa for work opportunities and being exploited for labour.
The Men for Change project will cover four pillars of operation:
Prevention: Awareness and educational programmes – with a special focus on rural areas addressing
Protection: Accommodation in a safe environment
Prosecution: Preparing victims for the court to ensure better prosecution outcomes.
Partnerships: The Open Door works closely with all state departments, SAPS, Department of Welfare and recognised Non-profit and civil society organisations.